domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022

Augustus De Morgan, Primer Presidente de la London Mathematical Society

Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871), Matemático indio, Primer Presidente de la London Mathematical Society. Sus trabajos sobre Lógica Formal marcaron algunos de los principales fundamentos de la Computación.

"If you are a computer student or computer scientist then you must familiar with De Morgan's laws. The man who invented these laws, is our "scientist of the day" today.

It's death anniversary of #AugustusDeMorgan, the man who formulated De Morgan's laws and introduced the term mathematical induction --

(Scientist of the Day - 18 March)

- Morgan was born in Madurai, Madras, India.
- He did important work in abstract symbolic logic, the theory of relations, and formulated De Morgan's laws.
- When he defined and introduced the term “mathematical induction” (1838), he gave the process a rigorous basis and clarity that it had previously lacked.
- He originated the use of the slash to represent fractions, as in 1/5 or 3/7.
- In Trigonometry and Double Algebra (1849) he gave a geometric interpretation of complex numbers.

You can read the full article, including the importance of De Morgan's laws, here,"

Cosmological Astrophysics, 18 de marzo de 2022.

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